Kings County
Home MenuHow you can help us
- Tell us what happened in chronological detail and be specific.
- Tell us who you think the person(s) or company that is responsible for the loss, fraud, forgery, etc.
- Tell us where (address, city, state) the incident or act(s) took place. Please include property address(es) involved in the transaction.
- Tell us when and how you first became aware that you may have been defrauded. If individual(s) or a company is named in your complaint, please list exact dates of contact. If someone else made you aware of the potential crime, please include that person's name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s).
- Tell how you know the representations were false or how you know money was misused.
- Tell us what your actual financial loss is, if known. Do not include lost interest, unrealized profits or missed opportunities.
2. Documentary evidence is especially important; therefore, please include only photocopies of all documents and materials. Such materials include contracts, agreements, certificates, notes, deeds, correspondence, legible copies of involved checks, front and back, escrow and/or loan documents, brochures, business cards, etc. Please retain the originals for your records.
3. Type or print clearly in ink.
4. After completing all sections of the complaint form, please mail the form along with an attached narrative and copies of your supporting documentation to:
Hanford, CA 93230
5. All complaints must have the attached complaint form completely filled out, signed and dated by the complaining party (not by their attorney) before a case can be opened.
6. Be as truthful and accurate as possible. Be aware that making a false crime report with the police or with the District Attorney's Office is a crime punishable as a misdemeanor (Penal Code §148.5).